How to Reshape the Customer Journey with Cross-Media Marketing
In today’s world, there’s little to no room left for traditional approaches to marketing. The customer journey has changed, and brands have learnt to communicate through multiple channels to keep up.
People have now multiple sources of information which they can access right from their smartphones. The internet enables potential customers to do extensive research at home, in the office, while they’re travelling to work, or even when they’re in a brick-and-mortar store.
63% of buyers use their smartphones while shopping. Every time a question pops up, we use our smartphones to find the answer.
How much does a product cost?
Is there any place where you can buy it for less?
What do people say about it online?
Can you substitute the product with a cheaper version?
Is the product environment-friendly?
Every potential buyer has an infinite number of questions, and only brands that have answers stand out from the crowd.
How Can Cross-Media Marketing Help Your Brand?
Cross-media marketing helps you to communicate with potential and existing customers when THEY need you, on the platforms of THEIR choice. To understand the importance of this strategy, you need to go back to the concept of inbound marketing and how the inbound methodology helps you grow a brand.
According to HubSpot, inbound marketing is the method businesses use to attract customers through valuable content and experiences. It’s a methodology that doesn’t interrupt the audience as traditional ads do. When people need information, they search for it and find your tailored-made content to satisfy their needs.

An inbound marketing agency, for example, produces high-quality content that is meant to solve problems and answer questions–everything adapted to each step of the customer’s journey.
Cross-media marketing helps you send the right message, at the right time, to the right people without interrupting any experience. It means you cross-promote your content on multiple marketing channels to reach the right audience.
It involves combining digital marketing techniques with traditional offline strategies in a way that helps people to learn about you. It’s about putting your brand out there without selling anything. From personalisation printing to direct mailing to chatbots, any channel could become part of your marketing strategy and attract more people into your sales funnel.
Cross-media marketing is necessary because the customer’s journey isn’t linear anymore. Prospects consume your content, get to know your brand, and even make a buying decision, yet they feel they need one last search before purchasing. So, you need to be there with one more article, video, or infographic to clear any doubts and answer any question left.
When you plan every marketing campaign and mix your marketing channels, you’re more likely to be present in every step of this zigzagging journey. It’s an effective way to build trust and loyalty for good.
The Importance of Value Proposition in the Inbound Marketing
A value proposition is defined as an innovation or service that could help you make your product more appealing to potential and existing customers. Everything that you do to promote your business should add value to your audience.
In plain English, you should make your marketing campaigns more about your customers and less about you.
From blogs to email marketing to direct mailing, every inbound marketing technique should be customer-centred. How can you reach that?
First, get to know your audience–who your potential customers are, where they live, what interest they have, how they perform an online search, and what buying habits they have. Then, segment your public based on criteria that are relevant to your business and personalise your marketing messages for every group of potential customers.
Luckily, technology can speed up things and automate many of the marketing processes. Innovative software allows you to identify potential clients and personalise communication channels for every single person that interacts with your brand. You can send customised emails, create personalised landing pages, and hold your prospects’ hands through the customer journey for as long as they need.
What’s next?
Cross-media marketing and the inbound methodology don’t happen overnight. You need planning and hard work every time a new campaign goes live. As you learn to know your public, there’s also going to be a lot of trial and error.
It requires patience and a willingness to learn from mistakes–yours and other marketers’. Join us at the Digital, Sales, Marketing & Technology Forum, and get to meet digital managers, entrepreneurs, and marketing executives ready to share their knowledge.
Tagged Marketing Automation, Small Business